Transimperial: A colloquium welcoming Sukanya Banerjee

A roundtable of international scholars considers the work of Sukanya Banerjee on the occasion of her joining the Berkeley English Department. Professor Banerjee’s 2018 Victorian Keywords essay “Transimperial” will serve as the touchstone for a discussion ranging across the various topics and fields addressed in her recent work.

Date/time: October 24 (Saturday), 1–3:00 pm PST
Zoom: registration required. Pdf of “Transimperial” provided. Attendants are invited to submit questions beforehand, or use the “Chat” / “Q&A” function during the colloquium.

John James (UC Berkeley)

Alicia Mireles Christoff (Amherst College)
Ian Duncan (UC Berkeley)
Elaine Freedgood (New York University)
Isabel Hofmeyr (University of the Witwatersrand)
Ruth Livesey (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Elizabeth Carolyn Miller (UC Davis)
Nasser Mufti (University of Illinois, Chicago)
James Vernon (UC Berkeley)

Registration: please contact John James

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kevincristin (6 octobre 2020). Transimperial: A colloquium welcoming Sukanya Banerjee. Decentered. Consulté le 9 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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